Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Special Learning Disability?
There may be a speech delay.
In words with close syllables, the sounds are mixed.
Failure to tie shoes.
Right-left mixes.
Difficulties experienced when learning letters and sounds in the alphabet.
The concepts of time and direction are confused.
d and b, p and b, etc. letters are mixed.
There is a problem with reading comprehension.
Letters are often confusing while reading.
The order of the letters is mixed
Similar words mixed.
Reverse typing with mirroring.
A phonemic error occurs when a child writes a word.
The child skips some syllables.
Syllables are read and written backward.
Children use worksheets incorrectly and irregularly, which is hard to write between the lines.
Words are written very spaced apart or adjacent to each other.
It is hard to write letters consisting of round and straight lines.
What Causes Dyslexia?
Specialist doctors and researchers do not know what causes dyslexia. According to the results of the studies and the evidence obtained, the probability of dyslexia being genetic is very high. There are two significant factors are highlighted as the cause of dyslexia.
These are:
The genetic effect; A team at Yale School of Medicine found that defects in a gene known as DCDC2 are associated with problems in reading performance.
Acquired Dyslexia: A small minority of people with dyslexia have acquired the condition after birth, usually due to a brain injury, stroke, or other types of trauma.
How Should Dyslexia Be Intervented?
Dyslexia is a lifelong condition. With the right help, many people with dyslexia can learn to read and write well. Early diagnosis is the key to the journey of individuals with dyslexia at school and in life. Most people with dyslexia need the help of a specially trained teacher or therapist using a multi-center, structured language approach. It is essential to teach these individuals with a systematic and open method that includes several senses (hearing, sight, touch) concurrent. Many people with dyslexia need one-on-one help to conclude progress at their own pace. Also, students with dyslexia often need lots of structured practice and immediate corrective feedback to improve their automatic word recognition skills.